re flowing with strong corrosion. , the depraved atmosphere, a claw splitting the air, directly corroded countless silver lights, and it was still grabbing Zhang Nan at a very fast speed.

re flowing with strong corrosion. , the depraved atmosphere, a claw splitting the air, directly corroded countless silver lights, and it was still grabbing Zhang Nan at a very fast speed.
In mid-air, many heavenly soldiers and generals looked stern and shouted in unison. Immortal lights all around them instantly resonated with the heavenly net deep in the void.
Even the external inner demon at the Taiyi True Number level changed drastically. Layers of purple flames circulated around her body, but even if she tried her best to cast fifth-level immortal magic, she could not break through the silver-white giant layer. net.
After a moment, the giant silver-white network was seen shrinking.
But before being sealed, the inner demon from outside the world was still staring at Zhang Nan fiercely and yelling.
“You little fairy ruined our important affairs, there will be bad consequences in the future!”
She was about to say something else, but she saw the war god Shangyun frowning slightly, and a fairy light in his hand covered the heaven and earth net, and the entire giant net instantly turned into one The silver-white vase appeared deep in the palm of the Shangyun God of War.
The extraterrestrial demon at the Taiyi True Number level had been successfully sealed.
On the deck, Zhang Jian looked at this scene with a pair of eyes, his eyes fluctuating.
In the Zhoushan Realm, the ancestors of the Cave God Sect also created a system of heaven and earth nets. The power was pretty good, but compared with the orthodox heaven and earth nets in the Central Heaven Realm, it was obviously insignificant.
He could sense that the great demon at the Taiyi level was obviously stronger than War God Shang Yun, a high-ranking general in the Arctic Army.
But relying on some of the mysteries of the dragnet, War God Shang Yun easily took control of the place.
However, among the group of demons outside the realm, the inner demons outside the realm are more famous for sneaking into hiding, and their combat power is not considered tyrannical.
But many of the high-level mysteries of the dragnet in front of me have not been used.
And this is still part of the Tianluo subnet of the Central Heaven Realm.
Zhang Jian thought to himself.
/The Central Heaven Realm’s defenses were tighter than he imagined.
Immediately, he saw the War God Shangyun and the gods at Wanyun Ferry coming to pay a visit. The Immortal Anhai even said that he was willing to do his best to entertain Zhang Jian, the Lingyuan Emperor, as a landlord.
Zhang Jian ignored him.
Kankai Immortal is in a lot of trouble now. Among his subordinates, there is an immortal who has been corroded by external demons. He still doesn’t know how to explain it to his superiors. At this time, entertaining him is just to cling to his thigh to reduce his own punishment. .
Zhang Jian had just arrived, so how could he be willing to participate in such a thing?
On the other hand, Zhang Nan was cheerful all the way. Shang Yun, the God of War, had promised him that he would r