stant mountains was willing to throw away the opportunity to conquer the entire island and was unwilling to let the tribe recruit more powerful guardian spirits. Now he has become an antelope waiting to be slaughtered…” “

stant mountains was willing to throw away the opportunity to conquer the entire island and was unwilling to let the tribe recruit more powerful guardian spirits. Now he has become an antelope waiting to be slaughtered…” ”
Oh, ‘Kamanduo’ is not a mountain antelope.” Zhang Lisheng was silent for a while, then sighed and said, “Have you ever encountered the King of Mountains on the battlefield?
“Great attacker, our lives are short and we have never seen the King of Mountains on the battlefield. It is said that it only shows its powerful power every hundred years to scare the tribes. ” “It was the bald native warrior who answered the young man this time.
“It is said, legend, legend, it is said…” Zhang Lisheng sighed, “It seems that your understanding of this king of distant mountains is also based on imagination. . ”
No one among the natives answered. They just tried their best to bury their heads lower on the ground.
Seeing their silent actions, the young man sighed and asked the natives to step back. After thinking for a while, he ordered The messenger warrior called the Tudenantou people in front of him.
/“Tugla, the king of the distant mountains has attacked the stone tribe of the ‘strangers’ and has killed hundreds of warriors.
He gave in to us, but the purpose of attacking those ‘strangers’ tribes was obviously not simple, so I decided to send troops to ‘Kamandor’ five days later to occupy the entire island in one fell swoop. ”
The attackers, yes, but as long as the sun rises and sets forty more times, the more than a thousand newly ’empowered’ warrior leaders in the tribe who have the power to cast will wake up from their slumber, and the newly fed two adult Thousands of ‘giant spiders’…” After hearing the attacker’s decision, Tugla was stunned for a while and said cautiously.
“But those ‘foreigners’ didn’t have the patience to wait any longer. If we reject them this time, we will lose the alchemy. With the help of machinery, it will be several times more difficult for us to attack Kamanduo in the future.
And if we can conquer the Kamandor tribe within five days, the ‘strangers’ will gift us twelve large ships made of steel.
Those big ships can run very fast on the sea without sails or manpower. They can just burn wood and run very fast on the sea. If Aruba can imitate this kind of steel ship, it will be much easier for ‘Tudenan’ to make expeditions to other islands in the future. ”
Yes, attacker,” Zhang Lisheng’s insistence made Tugla obey, “I’ll go down and prepare immediately.” ”
After Tudenantou retreated, the young man showed an expression of anxiety.
After thinking about it, he took out the communicator from the animal skin bag on his waist and contacted Cora again, “I’ll tell you some good news. General, the leader of ‘Tudenan’ promised to attack ‘Kamandor’ in five days, but he had a precondition.
” What conditions? ” “Kora asked concisely and forcefully.
“In the evening five days later, you will launch missiles and dispatch aircraft to conduct a high-intensity air strik