with others. Once you disobey, it will mean that you will be eliminated on behalf of the general trend. If you are killed, you will not even have a place to complain.

with others. Once you disobey, it will mean that you will be eliminated on behalf of the general trend. If you are killed, you will not even have a place to complain.
But because Bihushan was so powerful, no one dared to say anything even if the oppression made other sects miserable.
The people of the Soul Sect were busy for a while and quickly activated the altar.
Looking from a distance, a golden skull floated on the snow-white altar, slowly opening and closing, as if it was saying something.
/Soon, the skulls dispersed, and an khaki oval portal appeared above the altar.
“Senior, the portal is open!”
The Young Master of the Soul Sect quickly sent a message to Lin Xin.
/“You can get out.”
Lin Xin was too lazy to talk nonsense and stretched out his hand to grab. A huge force appeared in the void and directly grabbed Bi Luo and the three of them, pulling them to fly towards the portal.
He himself also jumped down on top of the grass monster, and with the three of them, he disappeared into the portal in an instant.
As soon as the grass monster saw that it was no longer suppressed, it quickly ran away without daring to look back. It burrowed into the ground and turned into countless green grass, scattered and disappeared.
“Let’s go! Let’s go quickly!!” The young master of the Soul Sect breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the person was gone. At this time, the Jinyuan bloodline and the Biluo were not as important as his life. The right thing to do is to run away quickly!
Without saying a word, the rest of the Soul Sect released a black shuttle-shaped airship and quickly entered. The airship turned and disappeared into the horizon with a swish.
The remaining casual cultivators also quickly spread out their light, dispersed like birds and beasts, and disappeared without a trace.
Countless yellow sand swept across the world.
When Lin Xin and others appeared, they happened to be in a cluster of huge storm tornadoes.
The roaring wind and sand tried to tear the four people apart completely.
But a red spiritual light spread out, and no matter how the wind and sand roared, it could not shake the space several meters around Lin Xin and the four of them.
“I want to find the center of the small world and lead the way!”
Lin Xin was too lazy to talk nonsense.
Bi Luo was the first to react and quickly took the lead towards the center of the world they had discovered before. Because the Demon King Song Danhao sealed it with great magic power, he could not get close.
Bang! ! !
Because of the difference in cultivation, they only dared to watch from a distance, but they still remembered the approximate location.
However, before she could fly very far, she was wrapped around her body by an invisible force and rushed forward rapidly.
This force flew so fast that she had no time to see the scenery around her clearly.
It felt like the surroundings had completely turned into a paste of mixed colors.
The protective aura on her body instantly dissipated, and her skin and fl