he murderous figure on the sea. They killed him for a full day and night. It seemed that he had not yet finished venting the resentment in his heart. Not only did the offensive not weaken, but also It became more and more violent. Finally, Fuhai Junsheng lost his dignity. With a wave of his hand, he rolled up a water dragon. The first time he fought back, he flew the seventeenth prince half a mile away. Seeing the seventeenth prince fainting, everyone let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that this was the end of the matter. Who would have thought that a fire dragon would come out from behind, and a young man with purple-red hair would appear next to Fei Hai at some unknown time. He pressed the seal with his hand, and the sky-wide fire rose from behind him, rushing towards Monarch Fuhai like a mighty force.

he murderous figure on the sea. They killed him for a full day and night. It seemed that he had not yet finished venting the resentment in his heart. Not only did the offensive not weaken, but also It became more and more violent. Finally, Fuhai Junsheng lost his dignity. With a wave of his hand, he rolled up a water dragon. The first time he fought back, he flew the seventeenth prince half a mile away. Seeing the seventeenth prince fainting, everyone let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that this was the end of the matter. Who would have thought that a fire dragon would come out from behind, and a young man with purple-red hair would appear next to Fei Hai at some unknown time. He pressed the seal with his hand, and the sky-wide fire rose from behind him, rushing towards Monarch Fuhai like a mighty force.
Just stretching out a finger, the monstrous fire was sucked into the palm of Fu Haijunsheng, and gradually transformed into a red bead, and then dissipated.
“Honghai’er, you sneaked out again.”
Fuhai Junsheng frowned and looked at the young man who was playing with his own anger but occasionally drifted towards the seventeenth prince.
“I’ve met my uncle.”
Red Boy pursed his lips and smiled, showing a cute expression, but everyone knew what was hidden under his seemingly harmless face. Red Boy, the Demon Star of Troubled Times, ranks first in killing among the young generation of strong men, and even the seventeenth prince can’t come close to him. Everyone in Qiongyu tied the seventeenth prince with him, and there was also an element of their backgrounds. In terms of true cultivation strength, Honghaier was definitely better. Just because of his undefeated record of leapfrogging the Western Bodhisattva, this young Qiongyu In a generation, he is the leader.
“What are you doing here? Does anyone know?”
“My nephew just came to play with my senior brother, tsk tsk. I didn’t expect to accidentally bump into my uncle teaching him a lesson. My nephew was worried that his uncle would be too harsh in his anger, so he took action. I hope my uncle will forgive me.”
Hong Hai’er smiled lightly, with a sincere face, but the hands behind his back couldn’t help but tremble.
/“Is this the Monarch?”
The haze in his eyes flashed away, and the corners of Hong Boy’s mouth raised slightly. He glanced not far away, and saw the man in white standing up staggeringly.
“Why are you still waiting?”
The seventeenth prince stared at Monarch Fuhai, and the words squeezed out of his throat were cold and hoarse, making people shudder.
“You don’t understand.”
After a long time, Fei Hai looked at the bright moon in the sky and said calmly. Hong Hai’er on the side looked at the two of them with great interest, a complicated light flashed in his eyes, but he suddenly remembered the secret thing he heard from Ping Tian once in a while. When Hong Hai’er thought about the reason, he saw ten people. The seventh prince suddenly swung the trident and stabbed his arm hard.
Monarch Fuhai’s pupils shrank sharply, and he looked abs