etely stunned. His face was dull and his eyes were straight. He even forgot to cast the completed Thunder Cloud Storm and just stood there in a daze. , looking at the young mage in his twenties with a look of horror and fear.

etely stunned. His face was dull and his eyes were straight. He even forgot to cast the completed Thunder Cloud Storm and just stood there in a daze. , looking at the young mage in his twenties with a look of horror and fear.
/It was this young mage who just released a dozen instant ice picks and nailed a dozen archers to the tree trunk. .
What is the concept of this?
The ninth-level mage asked himself that his strength is pretty good. He can even complete a thunderstorm in twenty seconds. But like this, releasing a dozen instant ice cones in one breath, the ninth-level mage really doesn’t even dare to think about it. Thinking about it, this is no longer something that can be done at the mage level. Whether it is using magical abilities or casting spells completely normally, there is no possibility at all.
The ninth-level mage even believes that even ordinary archmages are impossible. Only those top-level beings who have advanced to the level of archmage for many years and have been preparing to break through the magicians can achieve this in just twenty seconds. , complete a dozen instant ice picks.
But now, there is a young mage in his twenties who has done all this in front of him.
The ninth-level mage knew that he had hit a brick wall.
It would be too easy for a mage with such spell-casting ability to kill himself. Not to mention himself, even the entire Nest of Poisonous Snakes would not take it seriously.
What to do?
The thundercloud storm that is getting ready is still flashing with electric light in the sky. The sky is filled with dark clouds and thunder is rolling. As long as the last rune is broken, this amazingly powerful spell will razed everything within a radius of dozens of meters. Flat ground.
But the ninth-level mage swallowed the last rune forcefully.
The spell-casting ability that the opponent just showed was so disappointing that
the ninth-level mage didn’t even dare to think about struggling. He just stood there in a daze, his eyes full of fear and helplessness. At this time, he was not like He is a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the mage, but he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.
“Come in with me.” After taking care of a dozen archers, Lin Yun did not continue to embarrass others. He just waved and motioned for the ninth-level mage to follow him in.
Of course, there is no need to embarrass other people. At this time, even the ninth-level mage has been frightened. Others who dare to talk are either fools or lunatics. Even Fario, who has a particularly loud voice today, is now hiding. On one side, he didn’t even dare to take a breath.
Lin Yun and the ninth-level mage entered the gate one after another, and happened to run into the anxious old housekeeper.
“Master, Fario brought a lot of people here this time. They didn’t make things difficult for you, right?”
/Hearing the old butler’s question, the ninth-level mage felt like dying. Master, could you please take a closer look? There is a swamp outside. A dozen soldiers were frozen, and there were a do