e looked as red as if it was about to drip with blood. His aura climbed crazily, all the way to the third level of heaven. Only then did off-duty’s aura stabilize again, and the tattoos of the four dragon clans also appeared at the same time. Appearing on the off-duty body surface, these tattoos seem to have come to life, constantly wandering around, and finally returning to their original positions and disappearing.

e looked as red as if it was about to drip with blood. His aura climbed crazily, all the way to the third level of heaven. Only then did off-duty’s aura stabilize again, and the tattoos of the four dragon clans also appeared at the same time. Appearing on the off-duty body surface, these tattoos seem to have come to life, constantly wandering around, and finally returning to their original positions and disappearing.
Off duty opened his mouth and spit out a piece of dark red bloody mist, and spit in the air bitterly.
“Damn it, you idiot. You dare to scold the great off-duty master. This is what you get for scolding an off-duty master. It’s too cheap to kill you like this. You should stay and roast them.”
Off-duty flew back with the massacre and cursed, while cursing and looking at Anderfa proudly, as if to warn Anderfa.
Andefa’s three faces rolled their eyes at the same time.
Darri was floating in mid-air, with the power of fighting spirit still condensing on his body. He was completely stunned. He stared blankly at Off-duty, who was unharmed. He didn’t realize what happened for a long time.
So strong, so powerful. , The off-duty master’s level seems not to be as high as that stupid and arrogant guy, but he actually killed that idiot instantly. The
instant kill
is really scary. Is he really an orc? No, it’s impossible. The off-duty master may have an orc. Bloodline, but definitely a terrifying dragon, maybe because he likes the look of orcs, right?
I guess Off-duty-sama likes the look of an orc, and uses that huge weapon to crush his enemies, so he became like this.
The off-duty lord is already so powerful. How powerful is that three-faced monster who keeps scolding the off-duty lord but the off-duty lord doesn’t reply? And the cold-faced woman didn’t seem to give the off-duty adult any face.
The status of the off-duty adult seems to be the lowest here. So, how strong will that mysterious adult be?
Darry floated in the air in fear, frightened, really frightened. There were not many top-notch strongmen among the orcs. The strongest one he had ever seen was just a stupid and arrogant blood elf. Just a little stronger.
The last time I met the blood elf, he was not killed. In addition to escaping quickly, there was also a strong man behind him. I didn’t expect that strong men of this level were killed instantly.
“Sir, there is a cave in front of you. The goblin tribe is the largest tribe I have ever seen. It should not be destroyed in more than a hundred years. Moreover, there are blood elves who have taken a fancy to this place. They must be because they want to capture those cave goblins as slaves. Mining.
It is said that the stupid and arrogant blood elf discovered a large blood crystal vein before, but the location of the vein is difficult to collect, so he must have come to capture these cave goblins for this reason.”
Darry quickly Lin Yun understood what he knew.
/The strength of the cave goblins in the underground world is at best a middle-level race, and they are not take