ding disappeared for more than two thousand years. Some people say that it sank in Surabaya, Pengcheng. “Historical Records” records that Qin Shihuang once obtained it, so it may also be buried in the Qin Mausoleum.

ding disappeared for more than two thousand years. Some people say that it sank in Surabaya, Pengcheng. “Historical Records” records that Qin Shihuang once obtained it, so it may also be buried in the Qin Mausoleum.
But now that Zhao Hongqi said that the statue in front of him was one of the Nine Cauldrons, Han Xuan was so shocked that his eyes almost fell off.
/It is said that Dayu ordered his people to carve rare objects from mountains and rivers onto the tripod. There were many strange objects, but he couldn’t find the mountains and rivers he was looking for. Other things were slowly changing colors, but the tripod remained the same, not even like the others. Bronze is not green in color, but has a dark brass color.
It is rare enough that a tripod appears in North America, and its texture is so special. The Stepmother Wu tripod only weighs more than 800 kilograms. Looking at the thing in front of you, it weighs more than five tons. If it weren’t for the underground palace and oxidation that can’t deceive people, they would almost think they have encountered porcelain.
Zhao Hongqi lay down next to the tripod foot and studied it carefully with a lamp. He wanted to touch it but didn’t dare to touch it. He just touched it and wiped it with his clothes for a long time before he felt relieved.
Han Xuan took a step back, but he didn’t notice it. He took two more steps back, but still didn’t notice it. He was weighing the pros and cons in his mind. Judging from Zhu San and Green’s intentions, they probably didn’t intend to let him go, and the possibility of being silenced was greater.
Slowly hiding in the darkness, using the flashlight light, he turned around to see the road clearly. He moved sideways like a crab, and after seven or eight meters away from him, he quickened his pace and slipped away.
Zhao Hongqi was still muttering to himself: “Incredible, incredible.”
It was dark all around. , several lights turned on from time to time, Han Xuan leaned against the roots of the giant sequoia tree and breathed heavily, trying to breathe through his nose without making a sound to relieve tension.
Thinking that the man would react soon, he hid behind a thick tree root and counted more than fifty times without hearing any sound. The light did not move where he was. He closed his eyes and carefully recalled the route he had just passed.
The memory emerges clearly. I groped forward, avoided the light when it came, fell down several times in a near miss, sulked and resisted the urge to saw off these giant sequoia trees, and told myself countless times that my baby must be strong.
A shout came: “Where is the boy? The boy is gone!”
“What did you say!? Find it quickly!” Zhu San’s loud voice echoed, and the footsteps suddenly became faster.
Han Xuan hid in a hole made by several tree roots. He spread his legs wide and climbed up with his hands. He looked down at the weak light and made sure that he could not see himself from the entrance of the hole. He turned sideways to avoid the gap.
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