my at this sports meeting, Shao Jiefeng increased the rewards for them. In addition to the set of spider armor, Liu Ruyan was also awarded an additional set. Silver snake armor.

my at this sports meeting, Shao Jiefeng increased the rewards for them. In addition to the set of spider armor, Liu Ruyan was also awarded an additional set. Silver snake armor.
/The battlefield teleportation order is for Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan to avoid their accidental death in the outer star battlefield. Other battlefield detectors, holographic decoy bombs, high-energy cryo bombs, high-explosive mines, psychic shields and other treasures from the bottom of the box were all taken out.
“Do you have to go to the alien battlefield?” Shao Jiefeng looked at Liu Qian with a look of resentment.
“Yes, otherwise how could I be promoted to lieutenant or colonel?” Liu Qian said firmly.
“The outer star battlefield is very dangerous, and you may die if you are not careful. Although the battlefield teleportation order given to you can allow you to teleport back when you are in danger, in the outer star battlefield, many times even if you have the battlefield teleportation order, There may not be a chance to use it, life and death are just a matter of a moment,” Shao Jiefeng explained to Liu Qian sincerely.
“Thank you, Commander Shao, for your concern. I will be careful.” Liu Qian nodded. Shao Jiefeng was very kind to him. He also reciprocated by winning many gold medals and winning a large amount of transuranic cores through gambling. The two of them had a certain degree of friendship. .
“I’ll go to the teleportation cabin to see you off.” Shao Jiefeng knew that he couldn’t persuade Liu Qian, so he sighed and stood up.
Liu Qian went to the battlefield in the outer star field. Once he was injured there, Shao Jiefeng would definitely feel pain in his liver and body. But under the current situation, Liu Qian would definitely not be promoted to lieutenant if he didn’t go to the outer star battlefield. This was a rule that Shao Jiefeng couldn’t change.
On the way to the teleportation cabin, Shao Jiefeng told Liu Qian some of the characteristics of the outer star field and the techniques for fighting in the outer star field. He also told him how to use various battlefield props and the most appropriate time to use them.
“As the captain of the team, you have the right to command the team. The rules for promotion are different from ordinary soldiers. Ordinary soldiers only need to complete the task of killing a few enemies before they can be promoted, but you must ensure that the team completes the battlefield This is the main mission and only if more than half of the team members survive, you must pay attention to this,” Shao Jiefeng finally told Liu Qian.
“Well, we must work hard to complete the main mission and bring the most team members back alive.” Liu Qian nodded.
“The most important thing is that you and your sister can come back alive. Don’t forget this at any time. As for promotion, there will be many opportunities in the future.” Shao Jiefeng explained a few more words in a low voice.
“I got it, mother-in-law.”
“What did you just say?”
“Forget it if you didn’t hear clearly.”
/After a change of light