nado a few days ago, the weather in the past two days is considered good. Once the convoy is on the road, be sure not to have another tornado.” Wang Decheng nodded, recalling his previous experience in the tornado. He still had lingering fears.

nado a few days ago, the weather in the past two days is considered good. Once the convoy is on the road, be sure not to have another tornado.” Wang Decheng nodded, recalling his previous experience in the tornado. He still had lingering fears.
Although several captains had tried very hard to urge the team members to hurry up, they were still busy modifying vehicles, setting up stoves for cooking, and eating until around two or three o’clock in the afternoon before everyone was on the road again. This time, with the truck, the team members didn’t have to be so tired. All the food and supplies were put into the truck compartment, so they didn’t need to carry it on their shoulders.
However, the speed of the convoy was not as fast as expected, mainly because there were many more damaged vehicles blocking the road along the way than expected. If you encounter one or two damaged vehicles dozens of meters while walking on the road, you won’t feel blocked. Driving a car for tens or hundreds of meters only to encounter a traffic jam, it feels very upsetting.
This resulted in the convoy having to stop frequently while traveling. The team members got off the car and worked together to push the damaged vehicle to the side of the road. They also had to clean up the broken iron and other debris on the road to avoid puncturing the tires, so that the convoy could keep going.
After clearing several roadblocks caused by damaged cars, the convoy finally walked a few hundred meters on a relatively smooth road, but encountered a small wave of zombies consisting of more than a hundred zombies. If there are only a few zombies wandering around on the road, the car can just hit them and knock them away. But with hundreds of small zombies like this, the car will probably get stuck in the pile of corpses and be unable to escape. Being surrounded by a zombie wave would be troublesome.
The convoy could not forcefully pass through, so Zhang Shengli directed the convoy to stop ten meters away in front of a small wave of corpses. The team members took their weapons and chopped and killed the small wave of corpses, cutting down the corpses one by one. After they were all lifted off the road, the convoy was able to continue moving forward.
The wind is getting stronger and stronger, the sky is getting darker and cloudier, and the marching speed is so slow. The captains of each team feel a little bad. If the thunderstorm comes and the team still does not reach the destination, they will be stunned. Being in a car can be very dangerous.
They just kept stopping to clear various roadblocks, but the convoy couldn’t speed up even if it wanted to. When the time reached around six o’clock in the afternoon and the sky gradually darkened, the convoy was only halfway to the prison and the gas station. distance.
“Master Liu, we can’t reach our destination before dark. Should we look for a suitable camp nearby to station ourselves?” Zhang Shengli asked Liu Gan for instructions.
/“Stand down. A thunderstorm may be coming. It will be dangerous to c