Currently, many of our residents are held in the hands of the other party and will become their hostages in the future. We don’t know the strength of the other party. We don’t know where the camp is or what methods they have. The current situation is that the opponent is hiding us and revealing it. We came back a little late, and the current situation is quite passive.” Liu Gan frowned.

Currently, many of our residents are held in the hands of the other party and will become their hostages in the future. We don’t know the strength of the other party. We don’t know where the camp is or what methods they have. The current situation is that the opponent is hiding us and revealing it. We came back a little late, and the current situation is quite passive.” Liu Gan frowned.
“Is the opponent very strong?” Cai Haochen tried to ask Liu Gan.
/“Yes, we are likely to face a war in the future. The current situation is very unfavorable for us. What I asked you to do may affect the outcome of the entire war.” Liu Gan raised his hand. Come on.
“I understand.” Cai Haochen nodded solemnly.
“Only you and I know about this matter. There is no need for anyone else to know about it. Their spies may have been mixed up in this Xinshou Village community, and some people have even been recruited by them. You must be strict in all your actions. Keep it secret.” Liu Qian thought for a while and told Cai Haochen a few more words before letting him make arrangements.
After coming back and understanding what happened before, Liu Qian could tell at a glance that the somewhat idiotic Cao Yi at level 14 was just a small chess piece for the hidden forces in Tranquility City. He may not even know about it.
The opponent is very powerful, possesses some very advanced and weird soul technology, and is planning a big conspiracy. Although Liu Qian knocked over and trampled Cao Yi in public today, making the residents of Novice Village a bad mouthful, he knew Even if he killed Cao Yi, a pawn, it would not cause much damage to the hidden forces in the city.
/A pawn has the strength of level 14, and can forcibly raise the strength of people like Lin Feng to level 12. It is conceivable that the commander behind the scenes is at least level 15 or even higher. The other party’s very strange actions, such as preventing the legion in the Novice Village community from cleaning up the black-spotted zombies in the city, must also hide some ulterior secrets.
Liu Qian knew that he had to go all out this time to break the trap set by the other party and prevent the other party’s conspiracy from succeeding. He even tried to find a way to rescue the captured Zhang Shengli and others as well as the residents of the community, and find out who those people were. What to do and what is the purpose.
Liu Qian originally thought that after breaking through the Evil Dragon Bay dungeon, Tranquility City could come to an end. On the way back, he even began to consider whether to enter the portal to teleport to other places for adventure, but unexpectedly something changed now. .
The matter of the portal can only be put aside for the time being.
After taking Lin Feng and the men in black to the laboratory, Liu Qian asked Jiang Jinyuan and Gao Xin to test the men in black, and confirmed that their souls were indeed abnormal and seemed to be filled with some kind of special soul energy. But what exactly it is is still unknown.
Liu Qian also ask