
I finally remembered, the two are almost exactly the same.
“Who are you?”
I asked, and at the same time I reached out and took out the bell from my pocket. I rang it a few times. When the bell rang, the whole body of the woman opposite me trembled violently. I rang the bell one after another. The woman opposite covered her face with her hands, and kept letting out terrible growls from her mouth. She even inserted her fingers into her face, and her terrifying and sharp nails peeled off the skin layer by layer. Then the wound, which was not bleeding, was revealed.
Seeing this scene, there is no doubt that this woman is a ghost! And this also verified the words of the old guard in disguise, that there was indeed a Japanese father and daughter here in the past. And it is true that my daughter died miserably!
It raised its head and screamed. The sound was so terrifying that my ears couldn’t hear the sound for almost an instant. When I reached out and touched it, blood started to flow. After screaming, it floated up from the ground, and a black shadow with red eyes hovered around her. As expected, they were in the same group!
“Did you fall in love with Teacher Wang?”
/I kept confirming this, but the ghost in front of me didn’t speak. It and the black shadow just looked at me. The ghost was afraid of my bell, but the black shadow was restrained by my flashlight. The two sides were currently in a stalemate.
/They were hostile to each other for about three or four minutes. Luo Qiong’s voice came from overhead, shouting to me: “Brother Shan! Brother Cui and I found the iron rod. Are you okay down there? We’ll pry the steel plate apart right away!”
After a while, I heard the steel plate make a “bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!” “sound. The iron rod and the steel plate were mixed together, and there was a terrible sound of tearing metal and a sense of fault. There was a faint moonlight shining in from the outside of the steel plate. I shouted: “Fat man! Put the talisman paper!”
My words spread out. The sound of prying stopped immediately. At the same time, the female ghost in front of her stretched out her hand and waved it gently. The steel plate that had been raised by the combined efforts of the two grown men actually slowly closed down again. This terrifying evil force was far more powerful than Fatty and Luo Qiong combined. The one who just closed the steel plate must also be a female ghost!
“Keng, Keng”
the steel plates slowly came together. At this moment, several yellow talisman papers were thrown in by the fat man from outside. These talisman papers passed through the gaps in the steel plates and fell into the secret room.
To ordinary people, these are just pieces of paper. But for ghosts and evil spirits, these are deadly poisons! The talisman fell down normally, but before it reached the bottom, it suddenly landed on Xie Sui like a magnet. The ta